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Response of Neuropathy Charcott+MT to Reiki

Writer: CindyCindy

Updated: Jan 26, 2023

Case 1. Jan23rd, 2023.

Disease: Neuropathy of Charcott & Marie Tooth. Diagnosed with neuropathy at the age of 56 years old. Sex F, Age 62, A.M.H.

Integrated well-being (WB) + Reiki Session: Live Limitless shared with the client a brief introduction to an integrated approach to well-being (mind, body, and spirit), plus one Reiki session in person with extra laying hands on right leg.

Neuromuscular exam before and after Integrated WB + Reiki made by MD Christy Thu Hoang.

1. Craneal Nerve 2-12: before and after Integrated (WB) + Reiki within normal level

2. Muscular Skeletal: 4/5

Before After 1st Reiki

Right low extremity: 4/5 4/5

flexion and hip: 4/5 5/5

knee extension: 4/5 4/5

Left Low extremity: 5/5 5/5

3. Microfilament foot testing: normal

Before Reiki: normal

- a little bit of hyperalgesia

- client was reactive to touch at the left foot.

3hrs After 1st Reiki: still normal

- while touching the left foot client didn't react to touch. (Client didn't jump after touch).

4. Romberg test:

Before Reiki: positive. Immediately waggled.

3hrs after 1st Reiki: positive. Immediately waggled.

24hrs after 1st Reiki: lasted for some time standing still and at the end did waggle. Thus, remained positive.

5. Clients' perception of numbness in hands and feet.

*Measured as: 0=no numbness; 5=tolerable; 10= unable to touch or walk.

Before Reiki: hands 3, feet 5.

3 hrs after 1st Reiki: hands 3, feet 3.

24 hrs after 1st Reiki: hands 3, feet 0.

Duration of complaints: 9 years ago (2014), client was constantly falling. For a duration of 8 years, client had constant pain in her legs, but not while dancing. Started to use a walker 6 years ago (2017). Client used to walk every day for 6 km, and 9 years ago she stopped.

Previous and current treatments: first used medicine gabapentin (2020) and later changed (because caused tachycardia) to 1/2 carbamazepina to relax the muscles. Plus vitamines.


  TELEPHONE: +31 621453620                                                         LIVE LIMITLESS - KvK 70446466

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